Filling the frame

Filling the frame is when a photographer moves closer to the object they want to take by distracting the background that can be reduced. The photographer has more control over the compostion.

From my point of view i have chosen this photograph to represent filling the frame. This image i found on top of the treaty centre sign and i chose this one because the image itself pulled me towards how it looked like and the way it's shaped into a semi circle. The Green round circle in the middle on top of the sign itself symbolises the nature of Hounslow and what kind of place Hounslow might be like. I have purposly added the little leaves in the left top hand corner of this photograph to represent nature which tells us that Hounslow is more of a man made area and there is less nature. 

Vantage Point

A vantage point often reveals the image or subject that a photographer is trying to take to design a useful photograph that will support the viewer to look more closely at the image and for longer to study the subject that is important from all angles.

I have chosen this photograph as vantage point. I took this picture from a top view to represent the building and the use of colours. This signifie's what type of area Hounslow is. There is alot of dull and bright use of colours, I have represented this close up.

Use of line

The most dominant design in any photograph that is black or white is the positioning of the use of lines. The line could be well clear such as horizontal line in a landscape photography.

This photograph for me represents the use of lines. Signifies how the horizontal lines and the vertical lines go in together to represent each of the squares made inside. I positioned my camera close to the object to get a clear view of the use of lines on this particular object.

Rule of Thirds

Rule of thirds is where an image can be divided into nine equal parts by two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines.

This photograph represents rule of thirds for me. The ky was dull, this had effect on the colours of the photograph. The colours did not stand out in the image and for that I positioned my camera in the middle.

Depth of field

Depth of field is the range of distance within the subject that is reasonably sharp. This depends on the camera type, aperature and the focusing distance.

I chose this Photograph to show from my point of view of a depth of field. I stood in a position to take a clear camera shot of this photograph to represent that there is a use of depth of field. I like this particular image as the building stands out from the sky. The hole particular photograph itself has a dull use of colours.
As you can see apart from the houses on the side there is a tall building behind them.

Framing the subject

Framing the subject is when you are taking a key image you want through a window, door etc to represent the particular subject you want.

I have chosen this photograph as it signifies some of the Hounslow roads and what they are like, as you can see the roads are not that busy. There is a use of different colours in this photograph as shown on the cars. The houses represent the life of people and their living standard of Hounslow.

Sums up Hounslow

I think this photograph sums up Hounslow for me because I walk past these shops everyday and this particular area attracts me as it brings me back memories of my childhood. The reason why this brings back memories because me and my friends used to hang around this part of the area alot. Even now I still walk past this area to school everyday. There is a use of different colours in this particular image to sum up Hounslow.